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To become a member in any Rotary club you need to be sponsored.  Typically, a club member invites the candidate to attend a few club meetings.  In this way, potential new members learn more about Rotary.  Following attendance at three luncheon meetings, your sponsor can submit an application to the club's New Membership Committee.  If you do not know anyone in Rotary, please feel free to email Cleo Villaflores, Cleo will help you and answer any questions you might have.
The Portsmouth Rotary Club meets at the Portsmouth Country Club, 80 Country Club Lane, Greenland.  We gather on Thursdays at noon for lunch.  Meetings officially begin at 12:15pm and typically include a 25-minute program.  Meetings begin with a song, the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test and an invocation is said.  Birthdays are recognized, “Happy dollars” given and fundraising activities announced.  Our meetings end at 1:15 p.m. sharp.  Members are expected to stay for the duration.
Candidates that prefer a morning meeting should attend the Seacoast Rotary Club.  They convene Thursday at Café Expresso, Plaza 800, 738 Islington Street, Portsmouth. Meetings begin at 7:30 a.m. CLICK HERE for more information on the Seacoast Rotary Club.
Once a member of Rotary, you may attend meetings at any club around the world!  You will be welcomed wherever you go with open arms.  Fellow Rotarians want to know where you live and what your club is like.  As a Visiting Rotarian, you learn about other community projects and meet new people with common goals.
How to Join:
Step #1 Experience
Select a current member to act as your sponsor and attend at least three Rotary weekly meetings.  Our programs vary each week.  Experiencing different meetings will help you determine if Portsmouth Rotary Club is a good fit. Since we have attendance requirements, you should be sure our meeting works for your schedule, expectations, and interests.  If you need help finding a sponsor please email Cleo Villaflores
Step #2 Apply
Your Sponsor will complete a simple application on your behalf.  It provides us with details on your background and why you'd be a great candidate for Rotary.
Step #3 Approval
Once a month, the Portsmouth Rotary Club Board of Directors reviews applications for membership.  Applications that have been approved are then announced at the next weekly luncheon meeting as placed on “Seven Day Notice”.  This announcement serves as notification to the club that a candidate is board approved.  It allows for any member feedback to be provided within the next seven days.
Step #5 Orientation
Candidates that have been approved by the Board of Directors are then scheduled for a Rotary Orientation.  Here you will learn about our structure, requirements for active membership and fundraising opportunities.
Step #6 New Member Induction
Once the Seven Day Notice period and orientation session have been completed, the new candidate is inducted.  Our President performs the honors during the regular weekly luncheon meeting.  You will receive your member badge, certificate and welcome package.
Qualifications for Membership:
Prospective members are adult persons who demonstrate:
- good character, integrity, and leadership;
- possess good reputation within their business, profession,
  and/or community;
- and are willing to serve in their community and/or around
  the world.
Responsibilities of Membership:
Members are expected to attend weekly club meetings, which include a fee for lunch.  They must pay annual dues to their clubs (which also covers Rotary district and Rotary International affiliation fees).  They are also expected to participate in local or international Rotary Club activities or projects.  Clubs encourage members to aspire to club leadership or committee roles.
Attendance Requirements: 
A member must attend or make up at least 50% of club meetings or satellite club meetings.  You receive attendance credit by engaging in club projects, other events and activities.  This must consume at least 12 hours in each half of the year or a proportionate combination of both.   