Portsmouth Rotary Log for November 14, 2024
President Midge opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Bennett led us in the 4-Way Test. Dan Hoefle steered the club through “America, The Beautiful.” Francois followed with another meaningful invocation.
Guests and visiting Rotarians were introduced.
Priscilla MacInnis, Thanksgiving dinner leader, announced that volunteers are needed. A sign-up genius will be sent out. Pay special attention to the many pies required to complete the meal. Join in for great fun and fellowship.
Ian O’neail says our Christmas tree shifts are about three-quarter full. So, check your schedule and fill in those blank spots! Additionally, today our new trailer will be filled with stuff from the old one. Anyone needing an old trailer can contact Midge or Ian.
New for those serving as cashiers this year: we will be soliciting a $3 dollar donation from all credit card purchasers. This should offset the $2,500 dollars in credit card fees we paid in 2023.
Visiting us were TSgt Eric Gualdoni and Joe Smith from the New Hampshire Air National Guard Military & Family Readiness Center. Mr. Smith explained the significant work the NHANG does. Its primary mission is to provide refueling support to the U.S. Air Force around the globe. The tanker aircraft each carry more than 300,000 pounds of fuel.
The 157th also provides transport to and from the theaters. Mr. Smith is grateful for our care package project and will oversee its delivery.
The Speaker.
Jason Bartlett, general manager of The Wentworth by the Sea Hotel, was today’s speaker. Jason has a long resume in the hospitality industry, working the full gamut of jobs in many venues and states. He was hired as general manager in 2013.
Jason detailed the history of the property, which was first opened by a Massachusetts man, Daniel Chase, in1874. Frank Jones bought the hotel five years later and began expanding it. This was the “Golden Age” of the grand hotel with residents staying for a month or sometimes the entire summer.
In 1905 the hotel housed Russian and Japanese delegates here to negotiate the Russo/Japanese Peace Treaty. The document they produced would eventually end the conflict which historians also refer to as World War Zero.
The hotel prospered until the late1960’s. Post war vacation patterns were changing, and Grand Hotels went into decline. The property eventually was forced to close in 1982.
Scheduled for demolition, an active community group fought hard for its preservation. They succeeded in having it listed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, thus delaying demolition long enough to find a buyer.
Ocean Properties acquired the property in 1997, and restoration was begun with two new wings constructed. At last, the hotel reopened in 2003.
For the first 20 years the Wentworth operated as a Marriott franchise but now is part of the Opal collection managed by Ocean Properties.
It is a tribute to our community who rallied to support and protect the old structure until it could be restored. Today we now have a jewel of a hotel, and an important piece of history proudly preserved. It’s fitting that we celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Wentworth by The Sea Hotel with our 2024 Christmas ornament.
The 50/50 was won by yours truly, no match. I donated the money back to the club for care packages.
Respectfully submitted, Al Lantinen
Greenland, NH 03840
United States of America