Rotary Log for July 15. 2021
“I am Justin Finn, President of the Portsmouth Rotary Club.” Following those ten words, the dining hall erupted with a standing ovation. The first meeting presided over by our new post-pandemic President was underway.
Justin led the Pledge. Al Lantinen led our singing. John Rice asked blessings upon our new President and our renewed Club in the coming year. Greeter Kevin Schultz did double-duty by testing us in 4 Ways.
Joan Gile (Ben Wheeler)
Keirstan Field (James Peterson)
Cameron Strukel (Craig Taylor)
Lisa Dugan, Callie Berry, Julie Smith (all three hosted by Ed Mallon and are fellow workers with Justin at Secure Planning)
Ann Bliss is asking for someone to relieve her from storing three bins of paper goods destined for our upcoming Thanksgiving meal. Her son’s family is moving home, and she needs every bit of storage space available.
Don Chick’s official photo of Past President Jon Flagg was unveiled and posted at the room exit. As Justin thankfully noted, not only is Don a photography whiz, but the man is also indefatigable. Thanks again, Don!
President Justin offered his first official address to the Club. He paid tribute to the current and past Rotarians who played parts in his Rotarian experience. It was a humble and heart-felt journey back in time, starting with his first Rotary meetings while in high school. Calling them out by name, Justin credited these folks for where he is today. And you guessed it… another standing ovation!!
Gary Hildreth introduced our guest speaker, Captain Daniel Ettlich, USN. Captain Ettlich grew up in California, graduating from the University of San Diego in 1994 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.  Concurrently he was commissioned through Officers Candidate School and proceeded to earn a veritable boatload of academic degrees. Those degrees include a dual master’s in electrical engineering and Computer Science and even an MBA!
Captain Ettlich served at several Naval shipyards and other tours of duty before becoming the 86th Commander of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in August 2019.
The Shipyard is one of four public Naval Shipyards. It hosts more than 8,000 people on the base. The civilian work force at PNSY numbers 6,500. The yard’s local economic impact exceeds $1 billion dollars, of which the majority represents personnel compensation.
The Shipyard’s predominant activity is the maintenance and modernization of the U.S. Navy’s attack submarines. The Navy currently musters 50 attack submarines with an increase to 65 planned.  At any one time up to four such subs can be serviced at the Portsmouth Shipyard. Each engagement can last up to one year.
The Shipyard is constantly undergoing its own maintenance and modernization. New barracks were recently constructed. Current projects include a major Super Flood Basin Dry Dock.
Captain Ettlich noted that the Shipyard is cognizant of its integral role in the local community. It is responsible for security on the river. Its outreach includes an extensive STEM and trades-oriented program.
In all, Captain Ettlich delivered a fascinating description of the workings of one of the most prominent establishments in Portsmouth.
In a surprise development Callie Berry (guest of Ed Mallon and fellow worker with President Justin) won the $54 raffle. Possibly confirming that the Fix was in, she then proceeded to capture the $150 bonus! Who knew?
Respectfully Submitted, Richard Greulich
Photos by Dennis Moulton