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Greetings! This page is designed for speakers who have been confirmed to present at our weekly meeting. If you are interested in speaking to Portsmouth Rotary and do not have a confirmed date to do so, please contact our speaker chairperson Dave Holden at this email address:
Thank you for agreeing to be a speaker at the Rotary Club of Portsmouth. We appreciate the time and commitment you are making to our club. The following is an overview of our weekly meeting. It is our hope that it will familiarize you with our lunch time agenda. Unless you have been told otherwise, our Thursday weekly meeting is on the second floor of the Portsmouth Country Club, 80 Country Club Lane, 2nd Floor, Greenland, NH. Click Here for MAP
Please arrive by 11:55AM. The formal meeting begins at 12:15pm with the ringing of the Rotary bell by the club president. We stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, we recite the Four Way Test, a song is sung by all and an invocation is offered. We then are seated and continue to enjoy our lunch for approximately another 10 minutes or so. Luncheon is served buffet style and available to us at noontime...we serve ourselves and find a place to sit at the tables within the room. It is customary to start eating (before 12:15) if you arrive early. The speakers are seated at the head table with either the Speaker Coordinator or the Rotarian who invited them to speak. Either the Speaker Coordinator or your Rotarian Host will make your introduction at the appropriate time. Please note that you are our guest for lunch and are not expected to pay for your meal. We do have a 50/50 cash raffle that is drawn at the end of the meeting if you care to take part in that...the tickets are $1 apiece or $3 for 6.
Our business portion of the meeting begins at roughly 12:40 pm with introduction of visiting guests,"Happy Dollars" and/or "Fines" by our fine masters and various club announcements and presentations. Then we proceed to the speaker's portion of our meeting...that's your part, and it generally will run from 12:50 to 1:10pm. You will be introduced and then you can take it from are welcome to have questions (2 to 3 or so) after your presentation and many times Rotarians will seek you out after the meeting adjourns for a few minutes to ask more questions. Please feel free to stay and continue those conversations, or just let us know ahead of time if your schedule does not permit that. As you can see we do allow 20 minutes for speaker's presentations.
If you need screen, projector or wireless microphone, these can be provided for you (advance notice is needed). Any other needs that you may have can certainly be addressed and we are happy to oblige when possible.
Our group generally averages between 80 to 100. Our membership totals about 160.
Please note that there is a Speaker's Form that we request you fill out and return to us at least 3 weeks prior to your speaking engagement. This form will help us to provide current and timely information to our members regarding your speaking topic, and can include a link to your website if you should have one. This information is on our website listed under the "Speakers" section of our site.
Your talk will be listed on the "speakers" tab of our website, in our calendar and in our electronic newsletter. If you wish to suggest wording for your "topic outline" we're happy to include that in the advance information.
We look forward to meeting you and encourage you to let us know if you have any questions or concerns prior to speaking to the club. You can contact the Club Program Chairman, Dave Holden at
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